Vanessa Neuhaus, MS, LMFT, LIMHP
Experienced Couples Therapist
Certified EMDR Therapist
Trauma Specialist


Frequently Asked Questions
What does therapy cost?
My current rates are $145 for sessions 53-60 minutes and $175 for the initial evaluation session. While most of my clients prefer to self-pay, for those who wish to use insurance I am in network with:
* Blue Cross/Blue Shield NE
* Midlands Choice (includes some Cigna and Medica)
My services can also be utilized under your HSA or medical FSA regardless of insurance company.
How frequent will our therapy sessions be?
Therapy sessions are most effective when they are weekly at the beginning of treatment, and then can move to bi-weekly once you feel you are actively meeting and maintaining your goals. Depending on crisis or situation, multiple sessions in a week may be necessary.
How long will it take until things get better for me/us?
Every client is different, and it's impossible to predict exactly how long therapy or couples' counseling will take for you specifically. That being said, I'd say I work with clients for an average of about 15 sessions. Some types of therapy; such as pre-marital, discernment, and EMDR therapies; tend to be of shorter duration.
I know too many people who said their experience with couple's counseling wasn't helpful. In fact, they said it was sort of a trainwreck. Why should we try it?
The dynamics which present themselves in couple's therapy are complex and varied. While not always a recipe for disaster, a lack of specialized training in couple's work tends to negatively impact treatment outcomes. To be truly successful, this type of therapy (as well as family therapy) requires specialized training and clinical experience in relationally based therapeutic approaches, systemic perspectives, and holistic approaches to care, along with the desire and motivation of the couple to put in effort and work. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), I broaden the traditional emphasis on the individual to attend to the nature and role each person has within their primary relationship networks, and how those relationships impact their individual and marital health. To learn more about what makes therapy with an MFT unique, please visit the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy's website at aamft.org.
Is therapy worth the cost?
It comes down to your relationship being a worthwhile investment, so the actual question becomes: Is my marriage worth the cost?
Living within a healthy, positive, supportive marriage has incredible potential to grow and enhance your life. In fact, research shows the biggest predictor of overall life satisfaction is one's satisfaction with their partner or spouse (Deiner, Suh, Lucas, and Smith, 1999). With that said, many couples struggle with whether or not therapy is worth the cost. Here are some points to consider related to this question:
* The immediate cost of divorce (e.g., attorney fees) averages $12,000-$15,000, not to mention the ongoing expenses of maintaining separate households.
* Couples in troubled relationships are significantly more likely to have compromised immune systems, elevated stress hormone levels, and other markers of early mortality (Robles & Kiecolt-Glaser, 2003). A bad relationship can actually shorten your life.
* Creating as healthy a marriage as possible can have intergenerational effects, as children witness and experience the effects of a healthy relationship.
* The average wedding costs about $33,391 (The Knot, 2017) and lasts one day. The average cost of pre-marital therapy to help that marriage last a life-time pales by comparison, as does even the upper-average cost of couples therapy to help a hurting marriage.
* The vast majority of couples (around 75%) experience significant improvement in their relationship when the therapist is using an evidenced-based model (Gottman, 2015). The models I use with my couples are evidence-based.
It is true that not all marriages can or even should be saved; such as in the case of ongoing affairs, abuse, or one person having completely checked out of the relationship with no desire to work towards repair. But a great majority of couples can benefit from the guidance of a trained professional and a safe space to discuss needs, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Engaging in couple's therapy does not mean you are failing at your marriage, it means you are investing in it. And when you consider the points above, you get a high return on your investment!